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Flying Systems

Flying Systems

From 2D to 3D + 3 axis rotation, our pioneering flying systems are used in show theatres around the world to perform the most breathtaking flying manoeuvres imaginable. Custom developed machinery, together with sophisticated safety features make sure, performers and audiences are safe at all times.

Flying Systems Wanda Group Dai Show 4©Wanda Group

Flying Systems

Artistically fly performers or decorations above your stage or even into the auditorium. Using straight or curved guide-rails together with ropes, you can create a number of fixed movements to wow your audience.

Acrobatic Winch Waagner Biro Stage Systems©Waagner-Biro Stage Systems

Acrobatic Winch

Highly dynamic flight without risking your performers’ health and safety. Our research team spent countless hours custom designing this acrobatic winch to enable rapid movement and acceleration in 3D space. The integrated motorised tension sheave keeps the synthetic rope taut despite high speeds and low loads.

3 D Stage Motion Control©Waagner-Biro Stage Systems

3D & 6D flying using C·A·T V5

C·A·T V5 makes complex movement a breeze. Create and control 3D flying groups using your joystick or a complementary 6-axis controller. Add rotational movement for a true 6D experience or edit movement profiles in a specially designed graphical editor.